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Epidermology Research Paper Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Command economy essays
Order economy articles The Command Economy is a framework wherein laborers are inspired to add to The people group intrigue instead of attempting to advance personal circumstance. It is where Government for the most part chooses what and the amount to deliver how it will be created, and who will get them. That is by open responsibility for property assets and financial dynamic procedure through halfway arranged economy. For instance, every single significant choice concerning the degree of asset use, the dispersion of yield and pay, and the association of yield are coordinated and controlled by the focal arranging leading body of the administration. Motivations under this framework will in general yield in a wasteful utilization of assets. In the order Economy Decisions are made about what to deliver, Where to create it, who produces it, who will be qualified to buy it, how much and How to create and what to charge. Moving in the direction of a shared objective, in principle the activity is adjusted to fit the requirements of the laborer. State responsibility for property takes into account control of assets including human work. Focal possession will augment the aggregat e great utilization of that land. Where private proprietorship is permitted it is limited and optional to the normal land. A gathering of financial specialists study the economy and prescribes creation needs and focuses to the overseeing body. Creation and as far as anyone knows utilization are to gotten ready for far into what's to come. Certain divisions of the economy can be permitted to endure all together that a country may make arranged development in different territories. The entirety of this Means Strong control of the economy Individual wishes are auxiliary the eventual benefits of society are of rule significance. The nations which follow order economy otherwise called communism are Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. What is delivered and what every individual does depends on the movement inside the market. Purchasers and dealers choose for themselves what products and ventures will be delivered. People decid ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Joi Vaneet Randhawa AP Literature Period Five 04/01/02 Romantic Period 623-637, 640, 645-646, 656, 674, 710, 726-729, 745 THE ROMANTIC PERIOD pages 623-637 1. In the spring of 1798 Samuel Taylor Coleridge and another artist offered their sonnets to fund-raise for an outing to Germany in which they would compose an unknown book together 2. After leaving England, their book, Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems appeared, coming around to being one of the most significant sonnets in English writing 3. This in this way started the Sentimental period in England.Turbulent Times, Bitter Realities 4. The Romantic Period started with the French Revolution in 1789 and six significant writers - William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, Percy Shelley, John Keats, and George Gordon, Lord Byron - and finished with the Parliamentary changes of 1832 that established the political frameworks for present day Britain.5. This period remembered the time of transformation for Europe as America s tarted its time of opportunity in 1776 6.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeThe upsets occurring in England and France colossally influenced England also 7. Popularity based romantics and nonconformists were energized by the occasions in France, seeing the new system as though it were a vacation destination 8. When the September slaughter occurred in 1792 in France, even the best optimists and dissidents got baffled 9. Close by this unrest, the French government additionally changed jobs, with Napoleon Bonaparte as the new head of France 10. After observing the entirety of this, England announced war on Napoleon and crushed him in 1815, sending Napoleon's naval force home at Waterloo.11. The moderates in England felt like saints, while the nonconformists felt sold out, similar to Waterloo was just the annihilation of one autocrat by another The Tyranny of Laissez Faire 12. The mechanical upset at that point occurred, creating production lines, accordingly expanding...
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Religion of Money in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Essay
The Religion of Money in The Great Gatsby   â â Near the start of George Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara, Mr. Undershaft shouts in answer of another's inquiry, well, I am a mogul, and that is my religion (Shaw 103). Numerous individuals look toward the sky looking for the ability to empower them to live on the planet. Others, similar to Shaw's Mr. Undershaft, look toward all the more natural subjects to acquire their capacity and represent their status. Regularly these subjects, for example, cash, riches, or physical excellence and capacity, give their proprietors an oppressive feeling of influence and capacity in the entirety of that they do. A few people become so fixated on their materialistic force that it turns into their religion and leads them in everything that they do. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, the character of Tom Buchanan is presented and depicted as somebody who has permitted his physical capacities, cash, and riches, become his religion and lead him in his activities, saw considerations and con victions, and discourse.  Scratch, the principal individual storyteller of The Great Gatsby, presents Tom as a national figure as it were, one of those men who arrive at such an intense restricted greatness at twenty-one that everything subsequently appreciates of let-down (Fitzgerald 10). In school at New Haven, Tom depended on his physical capacities, as one of the most remarkable closures that at any point played football (Fitzgerald 10), just as acquired riches to give him the influence and renown to be seen as superior to the best. In the start of his school vocation, as Nick appears to propose, it was this incomparable physical capacity on the football field that permitted Tom to have preeminent rule over all off the field. Yet, after school, the football heritage finished, and with it, Tom'... ...lected to make a short deft development [that] tore her nose with his open hand (Fitzgerald 41) as opposed to concede that the other party could accomplish something without his unequivocal authorization.  From his first presentation right off the bat in the primary part of The Great Gatsby as far as possible of the second, Tom endeavors to continually help everybody around him to remember his capacity through his activities, contemplations, and discourse. Like illustrious subjects faithful to their lord, he accepts that everybody is under him and should regard and comply with all his desires. Through the dominance of Fitzgerald's graceful hand, a character has been made to which riches has become a religion and god has become an exemplification of himself.  Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner-Simon, 1992. Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion and Major Barbara. New York: Bantom Books, 1992.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Alcohol Tobacco vs. Illegal Drugs - Free Essay Example
In the article â€Å"Alcohol, Tobacco Worse Than Illegal Drugs†a new British study found that alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal narcotics such as marijuana or Ecstasy. Professor David Nutt of Britain’s Bristol University and some colleagues proposed the study and found a new structure for the â€Å"classification of harmful substances based on the actual risk posed to society†(Conroy, 2007). The researchers used three factors to determine how harmful any drug is : â€Å"the physical harm to the user, the drug’s potential for addiction, and the impact on society of drug use†(Conroy, 2007). Then two groups of experts (psychiatrists or medical expertise) were asked to select scores of twenty different drugs. In the rankings, heroin and cocaine were the most dangerous, followed by barbiturates and street methadone. Alcohol ranked the fifth-most dangerous drug, while tobacco ranked the ninth. Surprisingly, cannabis came in the eleventh spot and Ecstasy was near the bottom of the list. Nutt believes that the current British drug system is â€Å"ill thought-out and arbitrary†(Conroy, 2007). Even though different countries use different ways to classify drugs, none of them use a system like Nutt proposed and he hopes that his new system could â€Å"serve as a framework for international authorities†(Conroy, 2007). The information in this article and the study that Professor Nutt conducted are factual. There are more than one article about the study on the internet. In the article it says that alcohol is more harmful than marijuana, which is true. In 2001, there were 331 alcohol overdose deaths and 0 marijuana overdose deaths (CDC, 2004). Also, when marijuana is in its nature form it is â€Å" one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man†(Kapperler Potter, 2005, p. 199), and that marijuana is â€Å"far safer than many foods we commonly consume†(Kapperler Potter, 2005, p. 199). Alcohol has far more dangerous long-term effects than marijuana such as permanent damage to vital organs, several different types of cancer, high blood pressure, and malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies (Alcohol , 2006). While marijuana smoke contains â€Å"some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations†(Marijuana , 2010). At the top of the charts is cocaine and heroin ,which is also accurate. Cocaine is at the top because it â€Å"is the most powerful natural stimulant available to man†(Kapperler Potter, 2005, p. 194). While heroine is â€Å"the single most abused opiate in the US, and has one of the most serious addiction rates of all illegal drugs†(Heroin: one,). The reasons why these two are so dangerous is because when on heroin the â€Å"mental functioning is slow and disoriented†(Heroin: one, ), and while cocaine can result in â€Å"acute cardiovascular or cerebrovascular emergenciesâ€â€severe circulation problems to the heart or brain†(Cocaine and crack, ). In the article, it is stated that â€Å"tobacco causes 40 percent of all hospital illnesses, while alcohol is blamed for more than half of all visits to hospital emergency rooms,†and â€Å"the substances also harm society in other ways, damaging families and occupying police services†(Conroy, 2007), which is true. In 2000, the leading cause of death was tobacco at 435,00 deaths (Kapperler Potter, 2005, p. 203). Also, there were 85,000 deaths from alcohol and another 16,700 from alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes. This article stated facts conducted from a experiment that Professor Nutt and colleagues performed with the help of experts. Due to the information that was stated, this article is factual and had no intent of providing myths about the subject. The three factors that the researchers creates a measurement to determine the rankings. This scale shows accuracy and helps support validity and reliability. It’s important to know the truth about this topic because many people think that marijuana and some other illegal drugs are more dangerous than alcohol and tobacco. However, the article informs people that alcohol and tobacco are more harmful than one thinks and that countries should provide a different way to classify drugs. References Alcohol . (2006, March 06). Retrieved from https://www. gdcada. org/statistics/alcohol. htm Cocaine and crack cocaine abuse. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http:/www. psychiatric-disorders. com/articles/substance-abuse/cocaine-abuse. php Conroy, S. (2007, March 24). Alcohol, tobacco worse than illegal drugs. Associates Press, Retrieved from
Sunday, May 17, 2020
River Birch Is a Favored Yard Tree in the Southern U.S.
River birch has been called the most beautiful of American trees by Prince Maximilian, the emperor of Mexico when he toured North America shortly before his short-lived reign. It is a favorite yard tree in the southern United States and is sometimes messy to maintain if you are not hands-on when dealing with your yard. Betula nigra, also known as red birch, water birch, or black birch, is the only birch with a range that includes the southeastern coastal plain. It is uniquely the only spring-fruiting birch in North America. Although the wood has limited usefulness, the trees beauty makes it an ornamental highlight, especially at the northern and western extremes of its natural range. Most river birch bark peels in colorful flakes of brown, salmon, peach, orange, and lavender and is a bonus for regions deprived of paper and white birches.  In his book, The Urban Tree Book, journalist, novelist, and publisher Arthur Plotnik entices amateur arborists to go tree peeping in U.S. cities. He gives vivid descriptions of trees he spots along his trek: Only the shaggy brown river birch seems truly adapted to cities, holding its own with urban heat blasts and the deadly borer. River Birch Habit and Range River birch grows naturally from southern New Hampshire south and west to the Texas Gulf Coast. River birch is well named as it loves riparian (wet) zones, adapts well to wet sites, and reaches its maximum size in rich alluvial soils of the lower Mississippi Valley. Even though it loves wet ecosystems, the tree is heat-tolerant. River birch can survive modest droughts and does not compete with your lawn for water. River birch transplants easily at any age and grows into a medium tree of about 40 feet and rarely to 70 feet. River birch occupies large eastern north-south ranges in North America from Minnesota to Florida. The tree needs direct sunlight and is intolerant to shade. River Birch Varieties The best river birch cultivars are the Heritage and Dura-Heat varieties. The Heritage or Cully cultivar was selected in 2002 as the tree of the year by the Society of Municipal Arborists. The trees wood has very little commercial value but is extremely popular as an ornamental tree that features salmon-cream to brownish bark that peels to reveal a creamy white inner bark that can be nearly as white as the white-barked birches. It is hardy in all U.S. climate zones, it is fast-growing, nicely forked, wind and ice resistant. According to Michael Dirr, horticulturist and a professor of horticulture at the University of Georgia, who praise the varietal in his book, Trees: Heritage river birch is an excellent selection with superior vigor, larger leaves, and greater resistance to leaf spot. Dura-Heat is a somewhat smaller cultivar that features creamy white bark color, better tolerance to summer heat, better insect and disease resistance, and superior foliage to the species. It typically grows 30 to 40 feet tall as a single trunk or multi-trunked tree. Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit of a River Birch The tree has male and female catkins, which are slim, cylindrical flower clusters that are grouped in 3s. The small cone-like fruit opens and sheds small nutlet seeds in spring. What makes yard work a chore with the river birch are the falling catkins, fruit, and flaking bark that constantly litter the yard. The summer leaves have a leathery texture with a dark green upper side and light green on its underside. The leaf edges are teethlike, with a double serrated appearance. The leaves are in the shape of ovals. In the autumn, the leaf color is golden-yellow to yellow-brown, and leaves have a tendency to drop quickly. River Birch Hardiness Zone River birch is hardy through zone 4 on the U.S. Department of Agriculture zone map. The USDA Hardiness Zone Map identifies how well plants will withstand the cold winter temperatures. The map divides North America into 13 zones, of 10 degrees each, ranging from -60 F to 70 F. So, for zone 4, the minimum average temperatures are between -30 F and -20 F, which includes the entire U.S. with the exception of Alaska.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evolution And Evolution Of Evolution - 1079 Words
Ever wondered when the course of humans began or better yet if people started the way that they are? Modern humans started 200,000 years ago, but were not alway like this. The process of evolution brought us to humans. According to Evolution: The Human Story, evolution is the process by which organisms change over the course of generations. It is also compelling because ancestors can give rise to other relatives or descendants. Archeologists now know that not only humans evolved because paleontologists discovered a bird that lived up to 1.5 million years ago. Scientists have been studying the past and they discovered ape-like hominids evolved into humans. Many fossils have been discovered all over the world and scientists have proof that there were many other species before people that have finally evolved into humans. Other traces of evidence, such as similarities between related living organisms, were used by Charles Darwin to develop his theory of natural selection, and are still used today. DNA testing, were not available in Darwin s time, but are used by scientists today to learn more about evolution. Evolution has brought us from apes to human, and has a riveting way of its own. Question B According to Evolution, The Human Story, Charles Darwin was one of the most famous scientists back in the 19th century. He discovered how living beings are related, and their geographic distribution reflects their relationships. Charles Darwin figured out that fossils ofShow MoreRelatedEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution957 Words  | 4 Pagesthe theory of evolution. To understand why the teaching of evolution in school is important, it’s important to understand what it is, how it works, and how we benefit from its evolutionary history. Evolution is the steady development of different kinds of living organisms that have diversified from earlier forms throughout the generations. Without evolution, biology wouldn’t make sense because evolution is its key principle that connects and explains many facets of life. Evolution is a very importantRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1333 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Evolution? Evolution is the modification of characteristics of living organisms over generations (, 2015); it is the gradual process of development by which the present diversity of living organisms arose from the earliest forms of life, which is believed to have been ongoing for at least the past 3000 million years (Hine, 2004). Common ancestry are groups of living organisms that share the most recent common ancestor, by which scientific evidence proves that all life onRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1054 Words  | 5 Pages Evolution is something that can be taken into different meanings, from the way you live. Some people can accept evolution and some can’t. The meaning of evolution is the way a different animal or species came to be, and how they are linked to a different of species that all share a common ancestor (an introduction to evolution). There is a lot of evidence to shows that evolution is can be proven like DNA Sequences, Fossil Records, Cladograms, and analogous/homologous structures, because there areRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1337 Words  | 6 Pagesvarious subfields within Anthropology to adapt to the human species. Evolution would be defined as when â€Å"something†can develop from something that is simplistic to something that can adapt to the world around it and is more complex. All human beings in past and present as well as all living organisms have been part of a process of Evolution. Evolution can be viewed as adaptations, as well as growing to better advancment, evolution has taken ahold of all species throughout history. It is human natureRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1328 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is the theory of evolution? Many people who don’t understand science or Biology don’t know how to answer this question. â€Å"Evolution is the process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors.†In our society today, there is many conflicts that exist between creationism which is the belief that a higher power created the Earth and made living things and the theory of evolution. Some people are debating whether to teach evolution in schools because theRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution884 Words  | 4 Pages Evolution Evolution, a change in the genetic makeup of a subgroup, or population, of a species (Nowicki 10). Every living thing in the world is capable of evolving into something. Cells evolve to perform different tasks and to become stronger. Charles Darwin is the founder of evolution, he realized that species change over time to ensure survival. The future of evolution can not be predicted. Everything in our universe starts out as a single celled organism. All life traces back to three billionRead MoreEvolution Of Evolution And Evolution2000 Words  | 8 Pages Title: Evolution Author: Annette Gonzalez December 9, 2014 Abstract: This paper will cover the topic of evolution of organisms. Evolution is the process of constant change from a lower, more simple to better, complex state (Merriam-Webster, 2014). In this essay, there are different philosophies that support the idea of evolution. For instance, there is anatomical, homology, natural selection evidence. This ideas will be explained in more detail in the body of the paperRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution2356 Words  | 10 Pagesideology, people have started to think logically and science has come a long way. It is now believed that evolution has resulted in the changes on planet Earth and human kind was not just simply created by a ‘God’. What is evolution? What was Charles Darwin’s contribution to ideas about evolution? Biological evolution is the descent of organisms with modifications. Simply, the central idea of evolution is that all life forms which exist as of now or had existed share a common ancestor. This theory firstRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution983 Words  | 4 PagesMost things in science all eventually lead back to one thing, evolution. Evolution has been an interesting topic since mankind could wrap its mind around the concept. Whether one believes in it or not, it is hard to deny the cold hard facts that back up how every being has changed from its original form of life. From plants to humans, everything has adapted and evolved to be able to adjust to climate changes, habitats disappearing, and new predators. All it takes is for one mutated gene to get aRead MoreEvolution And Evolution Of Evolution1154 Words  | 5 Pages EVOLUTION Evolution is a scientific theory that was first introduced in the mid 1800’s and it refers to the biological changes that take place within a population of a specific species over the course of many generations. This theory was one of the most scientifically groundbreaking discoveries of our time, and since its discovery, scientists have been working hard to find more and more evidence on the subject. Although there is much controversy on the subject of evolution, it is hard to ignore
Managing Organizations and Leading People Productivity
Question: Discuss about theManaging Organizations and Leading Peoplefor Productivity. Answer: Introduction: Organization or the workplace culture is typically important to maintaining employee motivation and high level of productivity. Here, as a senior manager I will opt for talking and directing the US team leader to integrate the principles of responsible leadership for improving motivation and the scope of communication within the team. Discussion: According to Herzbergs two factor theory, the hygiene factors are needed to be eliminated and the motivation factors are needed to be upheld for maintaining employee motivation and consistent performance. Here, I will direct the team leader to provide supportive supervision and recognize the contribution of Apala and other team members. Moreover, as discussed by Meyer (2014), in the organizational setup eliminating the communication barriers like stereotyping or cultural prejudice can create employee dissatisfaction. The team leader of the US team is being prejudiced which is affecting the organizational culture. Hence, I will document clear code of conduct and reporting procedure for the employees. Moreover, as mentioned by Thomas and Peterson (2014), in the culturally diversified workplace, the principal of inclusivity that provides equal opportunity to all employees needed to be upheld. Hence, I will introduce the policy of documenting the daily performance report for all the empl oyees and an annual appraisal (depending on the daily performance report) for them. Thus, the employees will be made responsible for each of their job role and the issue of nepotism will be eliminated. Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be said that as the senior manager, I will opt for responsible leadership and communicate with the team leader regarding her behavioural and leadership approaches. By introducing the policy of inclusivity and regular monitoring, I will be able to track the performance of the employees and employee satisfaction will be maintained. References: Meyer, J.P. (2014). Employee Commitment, Motivation, and Engagement. Thomas, D. C., Peterson, M. F. (2014). Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications.
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